Seattle Culinary Academy News and Events

Here Is Our Special To Celebrate National Food Day
Chanterelle Stuffed Cabrito Chops, Peruvian Purple Potatoes, Black Garlic & Slow Simm

Chef Karen Jurgensen Takes First Place
Chef Karen Jurgensen has taken first place in Chefs Collaborative national competition to honor l
SCA Will Host The 2012 Chefs Collaborative Sustainable Food Summit
Seattle Culinary Academy is excited to be one of the hosts for the 2012 Chefs Collaborative Susta
Former Seattle Chef Makes A (Delicious) Case For ‘Pure Beef’
The Seattle Times | Rebekah Denn | 05/16/2012
Congratulations Emme Ribeiro!
Emme was the Grand Prize Winner of the Chilean Hass Avocado Contest!!!